SHOULD WE STOP THE TRAIN TO THINKBELT ? Ada Kwiatkowska Abstrakt Thinkbelt is an abstract idea
of educational complex created by Cedric Price. This idea expressed revolutionary
Zeitgeist of the 60-ties. It defined education as a kind of service accessible
for everyone. Thinkbelt was located in
the key-position of the city near by railway station. The values and ideas contained
in it, such as mobile, flexible and open system of education are becoming
the reality at the end of 20th century. But at the same time, well-known
pattern of „Master and Pupil” seems to come back to social life in form
of professional studios. The return
of this pattern in our time can be interpreted as defense of professional
groups against over-production of the universities, resulting in keen
competition on the market. Artykuł: Kwiatkowska, Ada (1996). "Should We Stop the Train to Thinkbelt?", [w:] Architectural Education and Reality, EAAE Conference Proceedings, Weimar: HAB - TU, s.31-36. (ryc. Ada Kwiatkowska)
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