Ada Kwiatkowska



In the era of digital design, gametecture - the architectural game with the space-time causes the creation of infinite sequences of the spatial structures, in opposition to former limited number of the unique objects. In consequence of the inflation of forms, created by the simulation games, valuation of the spatial structures, based on traditional criteria of the beauty of form or logic of the structure, loses its meaning because of the permanent changes and mutations of forms in time. Simulated forms are variable and transformable thanks to the flow of the information, energy and matter through the space-time. New technologies break the barriers between the place and space, creating a category of liquid fuzzy spaces and augmented reality. Nowadays, close and distant places are connected thanks of digital and time communication, and not because of the spatial nearness. The liquid architectural object becomes a context for itself, while the liquid context becomes an object in the continuous transformations of the architectural forms. Gametecture blurs the borders between the interior and exterior, place and space, form and context, object and process. Is any form here?.


Kwiatkowska, Ada (2015). Gametecture: Architectural form in augmented reality, Technical Transactions. Architecture: Defining the Architectural Space: Games and Play of Architecture, 2015, vol.112, 9A, pp. 165-171 (drawings by Ada Kwiatkowska)




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