Dr Ada Kwiatkowska


  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2023). Architecture of time: from motion picture to computer animation, Architectus 2023, no 4, pp. 117-126 . [Abstract]
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2019). Originals of the contemporary generative forms: type or individuality in architecture, Defining the architectural space: Tradition and modernity in architecture, Cracow Universtiy of Technology 2019, vol.5, pp. 35-45 . [Abstract]
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2019). Beyond-beauty of the contemporary architecture: narrations of the creator, receiver and architectural form, Architectus 2019, no. 2, pp. 105-118 . [Abstract]
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2018). Architectural formation: The imperfect structural stability and perfect instability of the creation's language, Defining the architectural space: Rationalistic or intuitive way to architecture, Cracow Universtiy of Technology 2018, vol.2, pp. 95-108. [Abstract]
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2017). Paradigms of the games' strategy in architectural design, Architectus, 2017, no. 4(52), pp. 3-14 [Abstract]
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2015). Gametecture: Architectural form in augmented reality, Technical Transactions. Architecture: Defining the Architectural Space: Games and Play of Architecture, 2015, vol.112, 9A, pp. 165-17 [Abstract]
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2012). I-Periphery of Metapolis, [in:] EURAU12: Public Space and Contemporary City, European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design, Porto, M. Pinto da Silva (ed.), Porto: Faculty of Architecture University of Porto, 2012, pp. 1-7 [Abstract]
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2012). Architectural Interfaces of Hybrid Humans, [in:] Rethinking the Human in Technology-Driven Architecture, EAAE / ENHSA Conference Proceedings, Thessaloniki: Charis Ltd: 2012, pp.363-370 [Abstract]
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2011). Architectural Metamorphoses or How to Order the Information Emptiness? [in:] E.Duyan (ed.), Theory for the Sake of the Theory, ARCHTHEO'11, Istanbul: DAKAM Publ., 2011, vol.2, pp.247-255 [Abstract]
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2011). Digital Architecture: Between the Beauty and Kitsch in flagranti, [in:] Venustas, Architettura, Mercato, Democrazia, EURAU'10, Napoli: Clean Edizioni, 2011, e-paper, pp.36-42. [Abstract]

  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2008). Architektura czyli sztuka prowadzenia sporow z miejscem (Architecture as the Art of Controversy with a Place), [in:] A.Baranowski, A.Awtuch (eds.), Miejsce (Place), pp.73-83. [Abstract]

  • Habitat in different cultures
  • Social infrastructure of the housing architecture
  • Architectural form and context 
  • Digital architecture
  • Inventive design methods
  • e-Architecture: The game strategies in architectural design



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