Dr Ada Kwiatkowska


  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2008). Archetypes vs. Prototypes: Cultural and Ecological Patterns of Housing Architecture, Architectus, no1, pp.67-72. [Abstract]

  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2007). Forma domu w architekturze antymodernizmu (Form of the House of the Antimodernistic Architecture), Architectus, no 1-2, pp.75-81. [Abstract]

  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2007). Mind-games: Innovative Architectural Design in the Digital Age, [in:] Proceedings of 2007 ICAE, Beijing, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Architecture and Building Press, pp.278-283. [Abstract]  

  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2007). Simulation Games with the Architectural Forms, [in:] Y.T. Leong, G.E. Lasker (eds.), Architecture, Engineering and Construction of Built Environments, Proceedings of the AEC, Baden-Baden, IIAS, pp.4-9. [Abstract]

  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2006). Piec filarow mysli spoleczno-architektonicznej modernizmu (Five Pillars of the Socio-Architectural Ideas of Modernism), Architectus, no 2, pp.61-67. [Abstract]]    

  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2006). Forma architektoniczna jako kod digitalny w erze elektronicznego ekosystemu (The Architectural Form as Digital Code in the Age of Electronic Ecosystem), Archivolta, no 4, pp.52-58 . [Abstract
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2005). Genesis of Architectural Forms - Inventive Design in the Virtual Age, PROJETAR, Rio de Janeiro: PROARQ, 2005, e-paper [pp.1-8]. [Abstract]  
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2005). Metafory - Metamorfozy (Metaphors - Metamorphoses), Archivolta, no 3, pp.62-67. [Abstract]
  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2004). Habitat- od dystopii do utopii (Habitat- From Dystopia to Utopia), Architectus, no 2 (16), pp.55-64. [Abstract]  

  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2004). Forma eksperymentalna w erze digitalnych technologii (Experimental Form in the Era of Digital Technology), Architectus, no 1(15), pp.59-67. [Abstract]

  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2003). Partycypacja uzytkownikow w projektowaniu architektury mieszkaniowej (Participation of Users in Housing Design), Architectus, no.1-2, pp.111-117. [Abstract]

  • Kwiatkowska, Ada (2003). Trans-Formation in the Age of Virtuality, [in:] R.Kronenburg, J.Lim, W.Y.Chii (eds), Transoportable Environments 2, London, New York: SPON Press, Taylor&Francis Group, pp.32-41. [Abstract]


  • Habitat in different cultures
  • Social infrastructure of the housing architecture
  • Architectural form and context 
  • Digital architecture
  • Inventive design methods
  • e-Architecture: The game strategies in architectural design



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