Lecturer: Dr Ada Kwiatkowska
graduate program: II year Specialization: Architecture
15 weeks
the programme of the course refers to
the problems of shaping the elementary public buildings in old-town
or in suburban housing complexes
the range of the design: the study of
the existing urban complex, architectural design of the elementary
town-services: schools, kindergarten, community, media- and sports-
Outlines of lectures:
Models and hierarchy of the network of
town-services - Criteria of the programming and design of the town-services
The location of elementary town-services
in the housing complexes - Concentration and patterns of urban composition
Functional-spatial models - Patterns of
the spatial organization in the range of elementary town-services
Psychological concepts of the human being
and the spatial quality of the town-services
Types of the buildings’ structure
of the town-services and the technical infrastructure
The form of town-services’ objects
in the aspect of symbolical meanings
The form of town-services’ objects
in the aspect of architectural styles - from the modernism to beyond-modernism