Ada Kwiatkowska  



The idea of the phenotypic space expresses the historically fixed concept of the context of architectural form in the most proper way. The context is defined as complicated, living organism, generated by the genotype and the phenotype of the place and it is connected with the idea of place genius loci. Creation of the architectural form and the analysis of its spatial conditions are based on distinguishing the fundamental relations between form and context and on defining the physical (denotations) and symbolical (connotations) elements of the structure of urban space. The present theory of shaping the urban – architectural space shows the dissemination of the new trend, initiated by post-modern architects, and continued in the architecture of beyond - modernism, in which the pop-culture and the virtual reality become a context of the architectural form. The urban environment is treated as the specific pop-cultural or virtual collage of different values, qualities and offers, competing with each others. The architectural form in relation to the context is based on the pluralistic and anarchical order. The form follows form; every element or part of the form is autonomous and it can possess its own, different references and contexts. The present architecture is not determined by the phenomenon of the place yet and it depends on the phenomenon of the space less than before, instead of that, its meaning intensifies in the dimension of the time and culture. The urban-architectural visions are the game of signs, meanings and different stylistic conventions; the game, which expresses the fragmentation and the complexity of the present reality.



Kwiatkowska, Ada (2003). "Wspó³czesne strategie kompozycji architektonicznej", [in:] S.Gzell (ed.) Kazimierz Wejchert - Teoria kompozycji urbanistycznej, Warszawa: Akapit- DTP, pp.44-51 (photos and drawings by Ada Kwiatkowska)




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