

Dr Ada Kwiatkowska



Mateusz Chodorowski: Emergent skyscrapers Copenhagen 2014

2nd Prize ex-aequo of SARP-Wroclaw'15, Diploma of the Year SARP- Nomination 2015

Anna Korzen: Light-SPA Warsaw 2014

Honorable Mention - Concrete Architecture Cracow 2014, Mention- Rhythm of Light Warsaw 2015, Diploma of the Year SARP- Nomination 2015

Wojciech Cebula: Art-House 500+1 Berlin 2015

2nd Prize Opengap.net: Open Gate to Architects & Projects 2016, 3rd Prize ex-aequo of SARP-Wroclaw 2016; 1st Prize ex-aequo of BDA-SARP Berlin 2016; ArchiPrix - Nomination 2016

Tomasz Bojec: Universam beta: Vitalization of habitat Warsaw 2015


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